Japan’s Horrific Disaster, Minamata Disease

     In the mid 1950s, there was some huge disaster that distracted most of the residents in Minamata Bay in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. This disease originated from consumption of mercury fish originating from chemical factory waste disposal. This disease caused tingling in the hands and feet, narrow the point of view and decrease the ability to speak. In the worst case the disease could cause coma and death. Some victims died within months.
     The residents would diagnosed poisoned by methylmercury and the main caused is mercury metal poisoned in Minamata waters. People that lived in around Minamata always depends on these waters. All sources of life especially food always depends by that waters. The presence of toxins in these waters makes people’s lives had bad impact. Toxic concentration had been accumulated in fish and other sea animals which consumed by many people in Minamata. Twenty thousand people had been diagnosed with minamata disease since 1950s.
     The Beginning of all the disaster that affected in Minamata Bay because when 1908, there was chemical factory that opened in Minamata which is The Chisso Corporation. The products resulting of manufacture of chemical. This industry developed to produce variously types of products and freely disposed of its waste in the Minamata Bay. An estimated two hundred to six hundred tons of mercury were discharged during 1932 to 1968.
     In the case of Minamata, the Japanese government closely monitors the disposal of industrial waste that could have an impact on the environment and the surrounding living things. And took firm action so that the same disaster didn’t occur. Industries that used mercury raw materials as much as possible were replaced with raw materials that were more safer for health and the surrounding environment. The selection of environmentally friendly raw materials was needed. Besides that the procedure for the disposal of hazardous waste must also be obeyed.


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